Friday, November 23, 2018

Rich white people are telling us we don’t need guns

Did you guys hear that? It was the voice of an overpaid, white Hollywood actress. From within a nook of her million dollar home, situated inside a gated community with private security, she assertively denounces the choice you’ve made to protect your home with an AR-15. Her criticism spews hatred for how you conceal carry in public, while she pays someone else to do her grocery shopping and makes arrangements for her bodyguards to drive her to a gun control rally.

At the rally, she convinces suburbanites whom live in neighborhoods with high property values to vote for magazine capacity limits. They’re easily convinced, because why would you need 30 rounds to feel safe if they feel they don’t need any rounds at all? After they drink the kool-aid, they go back to their lives in regions void of low-income housing that attract crime, and wave to police patrol units that their town can afford due to above average property tax revenue. The Hollywood actress, feeling good about herself, leaves the rally with her security entourage and heads off to an audition for a multi-million dollar role in a new action film where she’ll shoot people with guns.

But of course, this isn’t just limited to rich Hollywood types preaching in your ear. It could be billionaire Michael Bloomberg having it printed in the newspaper he owns... or the “man of the people” Bernie Sanders tweeting from one of his three mansions... or Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama while they travel the world with their lifetime taxpayer funded Secret Service…

Translation of their sermon: “Either you decide to get rich and live safely the way we do, or you decide to have no security at all… The only way you’re allowed to be protected by a gun is if you can pay someone else to carry it for you. The value of your life, family, or property is measured in who you can afford to protect it.”

For those in the gun community, these are arguments that need to be made. These rich people aren’t necessarily detached from reality per se, but they are certainly detached from OUR reality. They are oblivious to our insecurities, and therefore they take a stance on gun control that contradicts three fundamental views that leftists have of themselves. One is that they’re the righteous opposition to rich, white elitism, second as a bastion for the working class, and third as stalwarts of victim advocacy. The fact that on this particular issue they take a stance that's the polar opposite of what they claim to be shouldn't go unnoticed or without refute. Feeding them their own poison may be one of the simplest ways to get a point across.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Effective Pennsylvania Gun Rights Advocates

My impressions are based on watching who is getting things done. It could be simply a PR issue, but from where I am sitting:

Firearm Owners Against Crime is currently the most effective and visible group keeping on top of the issues and advocating for gun rights in Harrisburg.

Joshua Prince is currently the most effective litigator defending gun rights in the courts.

It's entirely possible my opinions are biased towards those good at self-promotion. However, it's difficult to argue with results. In recent memory, FOAC played what I believe was the biggest role in getting an unfortunately doomed bill passed to strengthen state preemption. Prince followed this up with a series of suits that got many municipalities to drop their illegal anti-gun ordinances.  More examples are easily found online.

FOAC and Prince are typically the source of information about what is going on in Harrisburg when it comes to gun rights. They deserve your support.

Here are Pennsylvania bills poised to degrade and destroy gun rights

Remember that in Pennsylvania governors may only serve two consecutive terms, after which they cannot run for governor again until they've waited a term. This means that a second-term Wolf, who is openly anti-gun, can go ape shit on guns knowing he won't face re-election again -- if he even wants it -- for 5-8 years depending on when he starts the push. The previous post presents data suggesting this push will begin immediately.

HB 2227:

This is an Extreme Risk Protection Order bill. Joshua Prince summarized the issues with it for FOAC. Essentially, anyone who has ever met you can have your guns confiscated with effectively no due process. The burden is entirely on you to clear your name and get your guns back.

HB 1400 (and its several variations):

Universal background checks.

SB 17:

This is an assault weapons and large capacity magazine ban. If passed, you'd have 120 days to register all "assault weapons" or turn them in. Registration requires an application process where you must submit the same information you do for a LTCF in addition to pictures of yourself and information about the item you are registering. Assuming you pass the background check and an investigation of your character and reputation, you will pay $15 and receive a certificate to possess the item that is good for 5 years. The renewal fee is also $15.

"Large capacity" magazines include any magazine (fixed magazines count!) with a capacity greater than 10. The proposal implies you can register your magazines using the assault weapon process, but does not explicitly state this and the information required for the certificate application doesn't appear to apply to magazines. This may be an outright ban. Rim fire pistols are treated the same way as center file pistols in this bill.

The Coming Post-election Push for Gun Control in PA

From this reddit thread:

As is pointed out in the thread, the only poll that matter is on Tuesday, but the predictions aren't encouraging for gun rights.

Relevant thread from PAFOA with additional information about the issues and a planned protest in Harrisburg.